Unlocking Housing Growth – Local Transport Plan Four (LTP4) :

 Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) – Local Transport Plan Four (LTP4) sets out a range of strategic transport priorities. These priorities include the need to improve east-west connectivity and enhancing the reliability of the transport network. The plan stresses that improvements to east-west links are considered necessary in order to help to boost the economic performance […]

The Northern (yellow) relief road route rescinded

The North Yorkshire County Council’s executive were asked on Tuesday 24 July to rescind part of an approved route for a Harrogate outer relief road to clear the way for housing development.  This takes the yellow route off the table, selling off the land and building more homes that will generate further traffic.  This would […]

Nidd Gorge Country Park

    Dedicated to protecting the environment on our doorstep by safeguarding NIDD GORGE and the wider area for people to visit and enjoy recreation in the countryside and provide educational facilities for Harrogate and Knaresborough.     This could enable Harrogate to be both the healthiest place to live in the UK as well […]

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 15 March 2018

ITEM 46. Receipt of Petition – “Save Nidd Gorge and the Nidderdale Greenway – Listen to the Harrogate Area County Councillors and remove the inner relief road package E from the public consultation process” Considered – The report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) which:- Advised of the receipt of a petition […]